Empowering Education with

Smt. Rajdulari English School

Smt. Rajdulari English School dedicated to nurturing a child's harmonious development, encompassing intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, and spiritual facets. Our goal is to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are not just academically adept but also morally and ethically grounded.

At the core of our educational philosophy lies the impartation of value-based education, addressing the contemporary needs of the hour. Our mission is to not only educate but also instill strong moral values in our students.

We welcome you to embark on this educational journey with us, where excellence and character development go hand in hand.

woman standing writing on black chalkboard
woman standing writing on black chalkboard
boy's writing on book
boy's writing on book
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Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

- Swami Vivekananda

Meet Our

Mr. Ankit Singh - Manager SRDES

As an educationist, what I strongly witnessed and learned is that education is not about...


Mr. Vinay Kumar Srivastava - Principal SRDES

Children are akin to clay in the hands of teachers, much like a sculptor. With our behavior, we can chisel and carve...




In the spirit of joy and togetherness, our students and teachers came together to celebrate Christmas with heartwarming cheer. From lively carol singing to creative art displays, the festive energy echoed throughout our school corridors.

Independence Day Celebration

Marking the proud occasion of Indian Independence Day, our students and teachers joined hands in a patriotic celebration filled with flag-hoisting, cultural performances, and heartfelt tributes to the heroes who shaped our nation's destiny

Join Our Educational Journey

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